Finding Your Personal Genius
with Samara Herrera, MSW
When the beauty of your personal genius is overlooked, undervalued, or undiscerned, Samara will help you identify, treasure, and cultivate your genius. In this program, you will: Assess/Measure your unique gifts and natural rhythms of feeling, thinking, and behaving. Discover how your ‘Genius’ can help you identify or refine your purpose. Realign your self-thinking/talk toward honoring your genius by building deeper compassion and self-worth. Determine whether your current professional undertakings are in alignment with your genius and begin to chart a life path that maximizes your potential. Recognize personal genius at work in others.
Increasing Compassion Among Differences
with Samara Herrera, MSW
Albert Einstein was convinced that the path toward our own personal liberation was through “widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures.” But the complexity of current society means that, often, we find ourselves locked in habits of ‘othering’, judgementalism, closed-mindedness, and isolated from people who look, think, or live differently from us. I believe a daily regimen of curiosity, patience, reflection is a good start. Let me help you get your prescription filled. In this program, you will: Work to distinguish between judging actions and judging people with objectivity, clarity of thought and equanimity. Learn to interrogate, challenge, and dissolve your biases. Curate practices of self-reflection rooted in your previous experiences that will shape an empathic curiosity about others. Examine your environment opportunities to deepen engagement and develop new relationships beyond what is most familiar to you. Identify places where certain beliefs have made you more rigid and less receptive to difference.