Pre-Marriage Mentoring for Couples

with Amy Habben, MEd.

As part of this program, couples will be given an online assessment tool that primes the couple for relevant and revealing discussion and identifies strength & growth areas. Then certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator, Amy Habben, will help you talk through relationship skills within communication, conflict resolution, closeness & flexibility, stress management and personality compatibility. "P/E is an online assessment that tailors itself to the unique stage & structure of each couples relationship as well as the larger cultural context in which they live." Amy will spend 5 sessions with couples to identify, explore, strengthen and restore 10 core areas the assessment covers.  This is a prevention-oriented approach working in the systems theory integrating concepts & principles from Marital & Family therapy.  I focus on the client-initiated learning brought about in the assessment results and connect with pre-marital couples regarding relationship goals and growth areas.  It is also a wonderful time to create curiosity and awareness of each partner and themselves. This relationship-deepening program is $600 for five hour long sessions.

Marriage Reboot

Strategies for Navigating a Divorce

with Brooke Brundige, Educator and Ministry Leader

Divorce takes you out at the knees, doesn’t it?  It certainly doesn’t line up with the life you imagined. And if there are kids involved, the co-parenting piece can be another devastating piece of the puzzle. So much to navigate. So much to grieve. So much to figure out. I’ve been there too. It’s a club I certainly wish I weren’t a part of.  But I would love to share resources, tools and insight to help you in this difficult season.  It’s hard to believe you will ever feel even remotely happy again, but I assure you, it’s possible.  The steps you take are important in charting a course that will lead to redemption and happiness.


Stress and Tension


Grief and Loss