Create Calm, Create Change

with Jenna Hyatt, LMT

Creating change begins within.  How can you make decisions about your future or create change in your life when you feel unsettled and chaotic within your own body? Do you struggle with anxiety, worry, fear around change?  When you learn to harness your own power and create calm within your body, mind and soul, that is when the magic happens.  When clarity happens.  I can teach you strategies to feel fully embodied, centered and calm before you set on the path to improvement and change.  The answers are within you, when you quiet the noise and learn to trust yourself, the positive changes become inevitable.  In our sessions together, I will teach you how to create calm and harness your own power to make the necessary changes in your life.

Soul Care

with Amy Habben, MEd.

Soul care is essentially aiming to be attentive to the issues of the heart.  We often hear that our soul’s health is the driving force behind everything that matters to us. Many times we neglect this very foundation of our life and it makes sense that our soul needs our INTENTIONAL attention. It is that time of the year we look ahead to a new page, clean slate and story we hope for our lives.  As you reflect & plan, do you feel overwhelmed or unclear what your soul needs?  Do you need a sacred companion to walk through this next season?  Let’s work together to enrich the health of your soul and ultimately your entire wellbeing. The inner life of your soul is waiting.  With experience over two decades in spiritual formation & resourcing your journey, I will be your personal mentor and coach for this very important aspect of your life.

